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LIT-ON (8″x 8″ reflective) – Reflective Customizable Logo Sticker

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MRP ₹249
Price incl. CGST 6% (6%) ₹11.73 , SGST 6% (6%) ₹11.73
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LIT-ON (8″x 8″ reflective) – Reflective Customizable Logo Sticker

Product Details

LIT-ON – DIY- Customized Reflective irON Stickers (“8” by “8” inches) is maxed size without changing aspect ratio

NOTE*:- We are not advising people to place on mesh Jackets, T-shirts, etc.

Get long-lasting high-quality reflectors for your attire

LIT-ON is waterproof & washable.

Kroozer LIT ON is a DIY printing option.

Customizable for Personal logo, Professional logo, Group logo, etc.

Great for personalized denim, shirts, vest, sweatshirts, jackets, uniforms, T-shirts, bags, etc

Installation LIT-ON on cloth

1. Layout your jacket or whatever you want to iron on and decided where exactly you want the patch to be placed.

2. Place the Reflective Sticker in the position you chose.

3. Heat up an iron & Turn it to the hottest setting your fabric can tolerate.

MAKE SURE THE “STEAM” OPTION IS TURNED OFF, and that your iron isn’t full of water.

4. Place butter paper over the reflective sticker, Take care not to disturb the position of the sticker. The paper will protect the LIT ON itself and the surrounding fabric.

5. Position the heated iron over the Sticker and press down. Hold the iron there for about 15 seconds. Apply as much pressure as you can by pressing down firmly. Remove the iron and keep it aside.

6. After about 30 seconds, when the cloth turns cold, check whether it is fixed, if not, repeat steps 3 to 5.

7. Always wash as necessary in cold water.

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